Find the nearest Lowes store located in the Paragould , AR . Get the Lowe’s hours, address, & direction to the Lowes shop near me.
In this article, people can check the Lowe’s store hours for the upcoming weekday or weekends. Along with this information, request direction navigation to the Lowe’s shop.
Lowes’s Home Improvement Shops in AR
Lowes Store Address in Paragould Arkansas
212 North 23rd Street ,
Paragould Arkansas , 72450
Lowe’s Shop Address near Paragould , AR .
The Lowe’s Home Improvement Shop is located at the 212 North 23rd Street ,
Paragould AR , 72450
Lowes Store Number Paragould AR
The Lowe’s Paragould AR store number is (870)586-2000.
Dial (870)586-2000 & contact the Lowe’s shop at Paragould Arkansas .
Lowe’s Hours
The lowes opening hours and lowes closing hours for a particular Lowes shop in the Paragould , AR is as follows:
Weekday & Weekends Date | Lowes Open Hours and Lowes Close Hours |
Today - Wednesday 04 December 2024 | 7am - 9pm |
Tomorrow - Thursday 05 Dec 2024 | 7am - 9pm |
Friday 06 Dec 2024 | 7am - 9pm |
Saturday 07 Dec 2024 | 7am - 9pm |
Sunday 08 Dec 2024 | 8am - 7pm |
Monday 09 Dec 2024 | 7am - 9pm |
Tuesday 10 Dec 2024 | 7am - 9pm |
Lowes store is open on Weekends also, so lowe’s weekday hours and lowes weekend hours are exactly mentioned above with particular dates.
Compared to the weekends, lowes hours change during the weekends only. Anyways, we recommend the customers, check the business working hours of the Lowe’s store near me.
Lowes company employees should use the my lowe’s account to get information about the work schedules, payrolls, employee benefits, discounts, career growth program, import w-2 code form, online tax fillings, and communicate with HR managers.
Lowe’s Remain Open on these Holidays:
Lowe’s store is opened for the below holidays in the United States:
- President’s Day
- Good Friday
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Veteran’s Day
- July 4th
- Mother’s Day
- Halloween
- New Year’s Day
- Easter Monday
- Columbus Day
- Valentine’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Christmas Eve
- Black Friday
- Cinco de Mayo
- Father’s Day
- Mardi Gras
- Labor Day
- St. Patrick’s Day
Lowe’s Remain Closed on these Holidays:
Lowe’s shop is closed for the below holidays in the United States:
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Popular Lowes Shop in Arkansas, AR
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Get Direction:
The Lowes Paragould AR is located in the 212 North 23rd Street and its geographical co-ordinates are -90.4973286 latitude and 36.0584021 longitude.
Customers can navigate to the Lowes shop from their current location. Use the below option to enter the starting point and click on the “Get Direction”.
Services Available at Lowes Paragould AR
List of Lowe’s Home Services available at the Lowes Paragould Arkansas Shop are:
- Playset Installation
- Decking Installation
- Cabinet Installation
- Entry Door Installation
- Appliance Installation
- Water Softener Installation
- Window A/C Unit Installation
- HVAC Installation
- Countertop Installation
- Siding Installation
- Vanity Installation
Along with any installation services, Lowe’s offer repair and remodeling services for its customer near the Paragould Arkansas .
DISCLAIMER: Please make a note that the store hours are subject to change periodically due to the seasonal hours and extended shop timings. Call the store number for any further assistance. Kindly check the working hours, address, phone number, map and available services with the nearest Lowe's Store.