Lowes HR

If there is any information request from Lowe’s associates or need info for lowes employee account, get in touch with the store Lowes HR managers.

They are ready to help with the employment information, payroll schedules, work benefits, tax forms, and others.

Lowes Human Resources takes care of recruiting new employees and managing them. Also many other works in Lowes Kronos. Their work is not defined into one set of schemes.

Lowe employees and managers need to get in touch with the HR team for a smoother working environment. Lowes life signifies the role of the HR department in a company.

Lowes HR – Human Resources TEAM

lowes hr

Lowes company decides the mylowes employee benefits based on their specific role.

The human resources Team is the responsible department in any company for recruiting, and managing the company employees.

Like this, Lowes appoints HR managers for each store.

As the Lowes HR managers are available during business hours, Lowes associates can request any information regarding their employment with the HR managers.

Similar to this, there is a lowes customer service to address all customer issues.

Still, if the Lowes Associates are not much satisfied with the talk, they can contact the support center through the HR phone number that can be found in the Lowes Workspace.

The employee hr service support center is available during weekday business hours only.

We recommend you seek help from the HR manager.

Contact Lowes HR

If any employees want to connect with Lowes HR for additional assistance, then feel free to call the HR contact number:

+1 800-400-4104

The support center is only accessible from Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM EST.

Before contacting the HR number, try to seek help from the store HR Manager.

6 thoughts on “Lowes HR”

  1. I have a questions about part time hours with the new scheduling. I have been with Lowes for 6 years and really love working from there. I was number one with credit apps in the district an region in 2019. Also, continuing to still do well my question is why were my ours cut to almost 10 hours a week. New hires are getting more and I think that is so unfair. I need hours to pay for medical and other bills.

  2. I’m a father’s of your employee in store of location on 1569 Niagara fall blvd. Amherst, NY 14228. His name is Justin He work part time. Since February 2020. Start 14/HR. Up today not get right salary ingress. No even meets the New York State minimum wages. And he try to make meeting with store manager from June. Store manager just give reasons no time. I feel is not fair for my son. My number 9179222269

  3. I just had an interview yesterday hope to start soon and really eager to get ready with you guys please please if any please call me 9153437018 please and thank you really looking forward


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